We offer unmetered broadband to residential and business customers on Tiree on a not for profit basis. The service is intended to match closely that offered by fixed link providers, both in bandwidths and costs. We provide a 10Mbps download 2Mbps upload service that is no capped or limited.

The service is VPN-capable allowing individual users to connect securely to company systems outside of our network.

The typical cost of each installation in terms of equipment is several hundred pounds. We, therefore, ask potential customers to ensure that they do not have the possibility of getting a service through BT, as some houses within our catchment area can, before subscribing to Tiree Broadband. As we are keen to spend our limited resources on those households that have no chance of getting broadband coverage from anywhere else.


  • Installation: £90.00
  • Subscription: £19.99 per month
  • Minimum Contract: 12 months

Please note that from 1st May 2021 the installation charge increased from £20 to £90.