Terms and Conditions for Tiree Broadband                                                                              Download as PDF

What you can expect of us

We will exercise reasonable care and skill in providing the broadband services to you.

We will do what we can to always make the service available.

Unfortunately, our services can be affected by external factors entirely out with our control.

We are not able to provide services to all parts of Tiree.

We may suspend the Service temporarily and without notice in an emergency.

We may suspend the Service temporarily in order to improve, maintain or repair the Services or our network or for other operational reasons.

We will try, but cannot guarantee, to keep you informed and to keep interruptions to a minimum.

We cannot guarantee that the Services will be uninterrupted or error free. If a fault occurs, you should report it by phone, email or in writing using the contact details supplied and we will try to rectify the fault.

What we expect of you

We want you to get the most from the broadband services we provide. We do however expect you to use the broadband services responsibly and we reserve the right to terminate the agreement if you do not adhere to the terms and conditions.

All equipment that is required to provide the broadband signal to your computer network or router will remain the ownership of Tiree Broadband. We can supply you with a suitable replacement router at cost.

You should take reasonable care of the equipment and use it in accordance with any instructions, safety and security procedures applicable to the equipment.

You must not remove any of Tiree Broadband’s equipment and you should take reasonable care of the equipment at your property and inform Tiree Broadband if you become aware of any circumstances that put the equipment at risk.

We recommend that all equipment provided by Tiree Broadband remains always powered on. This includes equipment installed in properties which are not occupied all year round. The power supply makes the equipment less susceptible to poor weather. If your equipment is turned off for long periods of time, it may need replaced more regularly. We reserve the right to charge for this, at our discretion.

On all service subscriptions we operate a “fair usage” policy. Within this policy your connection can be used by you in any way that you see fit and is compliant with appropriate legislation. Illegal use of your internet connection could result in Tiree Broadband’s entire service being disconnected from the internet.

We do not impose download limits, although in extraordinary circumstances where download volumes are, in our opinion, excessive in comparison to the average use of the network we may speak to you about your usage with a view to establishing the best course of action.

Contract Terms

Minimum period

Your agreement lasts for a minimum of 12 months after which you can terminate the agreement by giving us at least 10 days’ notice to expire at the end of the minimum term. You can terminate the agreement during the minimum period, but you will be required to pay disconnection and administration charges to do so.

We do not offer the option to pause the service. Should you wish to do that, you must terminate the agreement. Should you wish to reconnect, you must complete a new application and will be subject to any waiting list and a full connection fee. You will enter into a new minimum term agreement of 12 months.

No refunds or rebates will be given if the service is not used.


Tiree Broadband currently offers one standard tariff which costs £19.99 per month (excluding installation and equipment). It includes unlimited data usage.

Tiree Broadband will charge a £90.00 connection charge to add you to our network.

We will accept payment for the connection and first month’s charges by cheque or BACS and thereafter by Direct Debit using the provider GoCardless. You will receive the payment details following connection.

If any amount owing under the Agreement is overdue at any time, we will notify you in writing. If any amount remains overdue for more than 7 days after the date on which we notify you that an amount is overdue, then we reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate the provision of the Services.

You may be required to pay a re­connection charge if you wish to be re­connected following a suspension of the Services.

Contract Cancellation and/or Transfer

A contract belongs to an individual and not to a property.

If a subscriber sells their property, the contract will come to an end as per current terms and conditions.  There will be no disconnection fee if the contract is outside its minimum period (12 months). The new property owner must make a new application to Tiree Broadband and will be subject to any waiting list.

If a subscriber rents out the property, the contract cannot be moved to the tenant. The contract must come to an end. There will be no disconnection fee if the contract is outside its minimum period (12 months). The new tenant must make a new application to Tiree Broadband and will be subject to any waiting list.

A contract and the payment of it may be transferred to another person living within the same household, with the agreement of both parties. a £25 administration fee will apply, although this may be waived in cases of the death of the original contract holder.

Discretionary connections: The CIT Ltd Board will take a decision on a case-by-case basis for Tiree Broadband applications bypassing the waiting list if they fall under the following criteria:

  • Emergency or essential Services in need of urgent connection
  • Permanent island residents who cannot currently be connected by another service provider
  • Permanent island residents who need a ‘Basic Package’ and cannot currently access an equivalent option via another service provider

Basic Troubleshooting

If you are experiencing problems with your broadband connection, please try the following 3 steps, before reporting your problem:

  1. Check that it’s not just your computer – if you have another computer in the house can it access the internet OK?
  2. Restart your broadband equipment and wireless router. Switch off the power supply to your broadband receiver and your wireless router, wait a couple of minutes and then turn them back on.
  3. Check with a neighbour. Try phoning a neighbour you know who has Tiree Broadband, to see if they are having similar issues.

If the above steps have not resolved your problem, report the problem by emailing or telephoning 01879 220074.